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MAYAN MYSTIC                                       MASTERY ACADEMY

Reveal the Divine Purpose of Your Life

When we align to Natural Time, following the movement of the earth, planets and stars, we can re-orientate where we are in space-time, step out of the matrix of illusion and align with universal divine intelligence.

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April 7,2020

Due to the exciting portal of opportunity that is this moment in our human evolution, I felt called to offer the Introduction Weekend, with the webinars of the first and second waves of the calendar, on a donation basis for those who felt called but are experiencing financial stress at this time.  

These waves will introduce all 20 archeytpes and 13 frequencies, and introduce the concept of a wave of time.  

It is a perfect time to orientate to natural time, and allow an opening within to our inner wisdom.  If you feel called to attend, or to support the offering, your donation is gratefully appreciated.


If donating with intention to attend the Weekend Intro sessions, please send us an email so that we're able to give you the necessary information.

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