Today is White Planetary Mirror, day 10 of the wave and the manifestation point in the journey of Red Moon. 10 is the number of manifestation across many modalities. It is speaking to the 1 creative power that opens portals (the zero) for the realization of a concept, feeling, into the material realm. We are in the rising part of the wave, day 9 is the turning point. 2025 is a turning point year, as January 1st was White Solar Mirror.
Mirror represents Truth, the glyph depicts the jagged edge of the Sword of Truth; the obsidian blade, cutting away at the illusion, to reveal, revelations of Higher Order. There is a reflective quality to our reality, the hologram is fractally reflecting, as above, so below, as within without. Truth is alignment. It is clarity. Transparency. Truth is what sets us free, and the Mirror glyph leads us to the Storm glyph, of regeneration. As we allow ourselves to be cut free from our delusions & confusions, as painful as that process may be, we are delivered back into the regenerative life flow.
We are journeying in the Red Moon wave, the wave of feeling & flow. The wave of the feminine, the waters of life, purifying us as we flow back into alignment with the Divine Mother, the Mother of Creation. It is interesting that the manifestation point of this wave is White Mirror, speaking to the fact that truth is felt, an embodied knowing, that takes us beyond the noise of the mind which exists in a state of duality, questioning, confusion and doubt. When we are purified in our waters, our emotional body is free to feel in the now moment, we alight upon the highest of truths, moment to moment. Aligned.
Expanding out, we are in a larger cycle of White Mirror Jan 1st 2017- 2030. The Age of Truth. The Age of Revelations. Cutting us free from the illusion, allowing us to regenerate ourselves, and our reality. In that larger cycle, Red Moon is the Crystalization point of the wave. As we cooperate with the felt sense, the waters of life that flow from the divine feminine, from the Mother Matrix of Mother Earth and Divine Mother we are aligning with the truth of a higher reality. The Divine Plan.
Feel it to heal it. Feel it to be whole with it. Red Moon is the hidden power of Yellow Human, aka humanity. As we step up our game in our emotional intelligence, and clear the waters within of the toxic load of generations, we open to receive life. And the truth of life; love. In our overly yang world of mind games, we are perpetually estranged from our sense of truth. We look outside, and seek to validate this or that opinion as the rock upon which to cornerstone our sense of self. The Mind cannot feel Higher Truth, as it is a vibration, a language of the soul. So whilst we are solely mind driven we can get lost in the illusion. This is why the path of self realization begins with coming home to the body, feeling our way back to the truth that sets us free from the stories - stored energies.
This 5th and final castle in the Tzolkin takes us from the Red Moon wave to complete with Yellow Cosmic Sun, on the 24th March 2025. Feeling is a state of being open to life, present to be moved by the energies that are revealing deeper truth than the conditioned and preoccupied mind can process. It is the yin superpower that we have abandoned in favor of thinking. But this imbalance cannot sustain life in the way that serves the Divine Plan. The Galactic Mayan Year is Blue Rhythmic Storm, a tipping point that is seeking to rebalance the energies, between the yin and the yang, the Fire and Water. The Storm of Change is a catalyst that serves the Awakening. A shift in consciousness.
Feel. It’s what we came here for. And once we heal - become whole and one with our felt experiences, throughout time, we will rise up on the cosmic waves of love.
In lak’ech a la kin
Kin 13