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The Portal to the Multidimensional has Opened : Surrender to the Expansion : Galactic Year 2024/2025 Pt4

Rianna Skywalker

The last day of the wave of our times, the journey of reclaiming our Spiritual Wisdom in the wave of White Wizard 2019/2032.

White Cosmic Worldbridger, my exact support glyph, tying back to the glyph that heralds this wave, Red Cosmic Skywalker the last day of the Red Dragon wave that initiated this new lunar creation cycle on the 8th of July. I guide through my cosmic connection to the multidimensional space time field and beyond.

Worldbridger is the glyph of death and rebirth, dying to the limitations we can expand to bridge worlds within and without.  Worldbridger represents our multidimensional reality, and reminds us to surrender to the bigger picture. 

White Cosmic Worldbridger
Galactic Council by Tessa Mythos

The bigger picture is that we are spiritual beings having a human experience and we are currently in a Spiritual Age, a time of Spiritual Awakening.  Awakening to the wisdom of our soul, remembering the spiritual technology that is us, our bodies, this earth realm, and how reality actually works.  Armed with the self knowledge that begets self mastery, we can level up, bridge to a higher realm.  

A higher consciousness, a higher love, a higher order, a higher reflection of truth and love.

In this Age of Wisdom we are being called back to the magic, the alchemical knowledge that will allow us to transcend duality, and embrace the multi.  There are multiple timelines, all that is was and ever will be is vibrating in the field that is, All That Is.  And we are reconnecting to that knowing.  Quantum physics opened the door, and quantum consciousness facilitates the ride.

The journey that began in the Summer of 2019 is taking us towards this multidimensional vision of our reality, unhooking us from the duality reality and all that arises within it that is now ready to dissolve. 

The Portal to the Multidimensional has Opened.

This is the Age of the New Shamans, seeded with the new codes for the new consciousness that will conceive of the New Earth.  The Sixth Sun consciousness is the awakening in complete remembrance of who we are.

The new Heart of Humanity, the spiritual heart & soul that unites us in a new reality timespace, one in which we remember who we are, and how to play heart fully and artfully with the energies of creation to bring about a more harmonic reflection of heaven on earth.

Today we close out the wave of the year.  These past 13 days have been a window into the year ahead for us all.  The Galactic Year is Blue Rhythmic Storm Kin 19, balancing the energies of duality to awaken a new more harmonious consciousness that will allow us to integrate our creative power in alignment with Great Spirit.

White Cosmic Worldbridger is holding the portal open for us to turn away from allowing our energies to be polarized into duality.  Inviting us to become energy masters centered in The Great Storm of change that is this year 2024/2025.  To find the alchemical key of each moment that unlocks us from the matrix of illusion and confusion, anchors us in higher visions of the infinite abundance & potential.

This is the true nature of the Dreamfield we are immersed in.  As the dreamers dreaming ourselves into these timelines, when we ‘wake up’ - become lucid - in this dream, we transcend the limitation of being ‘stuck’ in the karmic wheel spinning experiences we have been for eons of time(lines).  Awakened, our consciousness shifts and our point of attraction / attention moves to timelines of freedom and flow, timelines of art and heart.

This Galactic Year is the tipping point that is catalyzing The Shift.  When we keep an awareness on the end goal - White Cosmic Worldbridger - the glyph of today, that oversees the year 2032, we expand into the multidimensional possibilities.  The hidden power of the wave, the 5th element of the White Refinement Glyphs/archetypes, is White Dog.  If we stay heart centered, if we rise up in love for ourselves, and each other, refusing to be divided from our brothers and sisters. If we elevate our humanity by feeling into what unifies us rather than thinking thoughts of separation.  We will collapse the polarized timelines and coalesce our intention on the timeline our spiritual ascension.

Remember who you are, remember the light of love that is you.  Let it light up the magic you came to bring, so we come together in a timeline of LOVE PEACE & Harmony.

In lak’ech a la kin


Cosmic Oracle

Kin 13



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