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Recovering Response-Ability to Bridge to the Heaven on Earth's Ascension Timeline : Galactic New Year Pt3

Rianna Skywalker

So, we have turned to face The Great Storm of the Galactic Year 2024/2025.  Now we are on the 3rd day of this New Galactic Year of Blue Rhythmic Storm.  Today we are meeting the 8th point of the wave of our times; the White Wizard wave which we are revisiting in it’s microcosm form of 13 days, that we will be in for the Galactic Year ahead, as we reconnect to the generational wave of White Wizard 2019/2032.

Every day of this wave is actually a portal to time travel to the so called past and future.  We journeyed in the White Wizard wave last from 1967-1980.  There are other cycles involved that add another flavor to the journey each time we move through them, every 52 years.

Today’s glyph relates both to 1974/1975 in the last Wizard cycle and to 2026/2027 in this Wizard cycle. 

Red Galactic Dragon
Memory Keeper by Tessa Mythos

The integration point of the process - Red Galactic Dragon Kin 21.  Red Dragon represents The Mother, Creator, Birthing, Nurturing and Protecting Life.  The glyph depicts a Volcano, the creative force that births the creation.  The Guide of the day/Kin 21 is Red Serpent, the life force.  The tone of the day is Galactic, which represents integrity, harmonizing within.  It is the yin point before the yang of the Solar tone of intention and direction.  Before we can set an intention and move in a direction we need to come to a place of wholeness within.  To find our integrity.  Integration of the truth.  The truth of our response-ability.

This Galactic Point of the wave is connected to the Rhythmic Tipping Point of this Galactic Year.  Today I saw how this glyph is the anchor for the tipping point.  The movement of the 6th point is to bring about balance and equanimity.  It’s an alchemical, tantric energy of blending the yin and yang in a harmonic way so as to catalyze a sum greater than its parts.  When we are facing the storm, and attempting to harness it’s energies, if we are not integrated in our response-ability and in our creative power, we can’t be effective.  We cannot leverage the storm if we have not integrated The Mother archetype.  We cannot amplify the life force if we are cut off from the source of it.

And this is the Greatest Trick of the Dark Wizard.  The disconnection and dislocation of the Divine Mother principle in our reality.  Divorced from nature, from all that is natural.  Enslaved to a time matrix that furthers disconnection.  At every level there has been an assault on The Divine Feminine energies that are crucial to creation.  We are disconnected from our true nature, our bodies, our life force, our feelings, our creative power.  All these qualities are gateways to our innate magic, to accessing our spiritual intelligence.  Without the magic, in the density of this realm of reality we are burdened with responsibility whilst having been castrated from our response-ability.

We are in need of a deep reverence for the Mother archetype.  There are so many distortions in the field around the mother.  One prevalent one in these times of The People of the Lie is that Mother Earth would be better off without her children.  Earth would be better off without Humanity.  This pernicious narrative has pervaded into the collective consciousness.  People are so filled with self loathing that they are getting sick.  Energy follows thought, and if you believe that humans are a cancer on the earth, I’ll let you figure out what that is creating.

This Age of Wizard/Wisdom is a journey for us to reclaim the truth of who we are.  White Mirror is the archetype of truth, clarity, higher law, reflective reality, as above so below.  It is the core purpose of the era, this wave.  It is the truth that will set The Great Storm free to reset the energies to attune us to a higher consciousness where we can integrate the truth of The Mother.  We are all born of the mother, our physical mothers, Mother Earth, and our Divine Mother.  And only when we come home to this truth can we mother our selves back to wholeness, integrate the Mother within us to recover creative power & response-ability to Creation.

The challenge of the Mother is Blue Monkey, the child.  The shadow of Blue Monkey is the wounded child, the light of Blue Monkey is the magical child, our essence self that is the portal to the wisdom of our soul.  As a humanity we have been in an arrested development as wounded children, abandoned (projection) by the Mother, we feel cut off from the life force, disempowered and victims of reality.  We have fallen into delusion.  This has been masterfully facilitated by the Dark Wizard, creating generations of trauma that keep us looping in destructive cycles, generation after generation.  Thereby dumbing us down from our spiritual intelligence.  Trauma causes soul fragmentation, the light of the soul is dislocated from the body, the pain body is activated and easily controlled to seek pleasure and avoid pain.  But nature is inherently self healing and so in our trauma we also to recreate the pain in order to free the pain.  And on it goes.  With all this going on we barely scratch the surface of who we are, we are in a survival dog eat dog mindset.  Polarized into duality, afraid of power as we experience the abuse of power everywhere we look.  If we looked within we would see the abuse of power within.  How imbalanced we are between the mind/masculine and body/feminine, thinking and feeling.  Doing and Being.  Driving relentlessly forward, in a linear projection that is utterly unsustainable. Nature moves in waves and cycles, yin and yang, ebb and flow, night and day.

But, we are at a tipping point.

The Age of Wisdom is taking us towards truth, towards our spiritual truth, and as we embrace the catalyst of change and wake up from the dream of forgetfulness of who we are, we can heal the separation of the Mother/Father Feminine/Masculine energies that run through our body, our psyche, and all levels of the reality.  When we can be balanced in the yin and the yang, when we embrace the polarity as a powerful alchemical opportunity to create response-ably, we are wise.  With wisdom we have free will to choose.  With true wisdom we choose Thy Will is My Will and honor the Divine Mother principle as the Source of our being.

Explore your relationship to these concepts of Mother, Mother Earth, Divine Mother, Creator, birth, nurture, protection of life/life force.  Explore your relationship to this world of form, the form of your body temple.  See how The Dark Wizard play has influenced or conditioned you away from an empowered connection with these aspects that are crucial to your life, success, happiness and fulfillment.  Come to a more empowered inner relationship with all these, and see how your creative influence on your reality shifts.

Love is the light that lights the way.

In lak’ech a la kin


Kin 13



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