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2025 : A Turning Point : Part 1

Rianna Skywalker

Christmas Day 2024 landed on day 2 of the wave we are in - White Dog, the wave of love.  This is the wave of 2025.  New Years Day will be the 9th day of this wave.  We are going on a journey to rise in love.

Manifest by Tennessee Charpentier
Manifest by Tennessee Charpentier

Christmas Eve was White Magnetic Dog, which in this Mayan Cosmology represents love, and so the wave (a 13 day cycle) is a microcosm story about love for us to decode, personally and collectively.

Christmas DayKeeper/glyph or archetype is Blue Lunar Monkey.  Blue Monkey represents the inner child and the Essence Self.  The lunar tone speaks to polarity, challenge, relational opposites.  As we emerge from the White Magnetic Dog attractor point of the wave, we are faced with the challenge of loving these two parts back into the heart of All That Is, all that we are.

Religion has offered a story in the hologram for us to decode.  On this day, baby Jesus was born.  The Son aka the Sun is born (again).  After 3 days of ‘death’ aka the sun’s 3 day stop before beginning its ascent on the 25th December.  Immaculately conceived, the Essence Self is incorruptible, pure.  Without sin.  The true meanings of sin.  In Hebrew the word means ‘to miss the mark’ an archery term and in the Proto-Indo European it refers to ‘being true’.  The word sin has nothing to do with breaking rules. It has a much broader definition, and actually refers to any thought, word, or deed which distances yourself from God.  God as Source, as truth, as the Light, as LOVE.

As we step down (fall) from Source, as spiritual beings into a human experience, the Light of our Soul comes from the Sun/Consciousness through the Moon/Waters of Life, through the alchemy of love.

The Mayan archetype of White Dog glyph sits in the center of the horizontal axis between Yellow Sun, its kin & challenge and Red Moon.  Yellow Sun is the masculine, the light, consciousness, yang fire.  And Red Moon is the feminine, the flow, feeling, yin water.  Through those polarities a child is born, Blue Monkey emerges from the portal of love, carrying the conflict of polarity.  And so it is, we arrive into our earth journey, in to a realm of polarity having to find the love that holds it all together.

We have to love who we came to be, enough to discover our true selves.  We have to love our light and our dark, our wounds and our wonder.  We have to love our Mother mother Father father and the child within, in order to meet the Essence of who we are.  We have to alchemize the yin and the yang, to extract the gold.

Everything in our hologram is telling us a story in symbols, metaphors and archetypes.  The light of our soul merges with the waters of life to give birth to the 10,000 things.  Only we forget that we are the Essence of all that is, identifying with the projection of light on the cave wall.  We then separate in judgement against ourselves, echoing the fracture of separation that we arrived into.

Blue Lunar Monkey is the challenge of loving the playful magical essence self that came to experience this earth walk journey, and picked up a few distortions along the way.  When we fully love our inner child, our light our dark, our yin and our yang, we meet the space of love that embraces All That Is.

What are the parts that are separate from love? Where have we judged ourselves as unworthy of love? Where have we rejected our body, our feelings, our thoughts, our voice.  What is driving all that separation?

We are in the Mayan Year of Blue Rhythmic Storm, balancing the energies.  A tipping point in the wave of White Wizard, the greater wave of our time 2019-2032.  The Terrestrial Year will be White Solar Mirror, a turning point in the wave of White Dog, the 9th year in the greater wave of White Mirror that runs from 2017-2030.   

The Jan 1st date aligns with Sirius at the mid heaven (12 o clock in the sky) at midnight.  So the Mayan Year and our Gregorian year begins with an alignment with Sirius.  Sirius represents our Spiritual Sun.  It is also the Dog Star, and in the Mayan cosmology Dog represents love, loyalty, heart, and unity/bonds of family and soul.

The journey of our Terrestrial cycle White Mirror is all about aligning us with truth, a higher truth of our spirit, of our multidimensionality and thereby of love, the unified field of All That Is.

The journey of our Galactic (Mayan) cycle is White Wizard, all about reclaiming the wisdom of our true selves, our spirituality and multidimensionality, so we can transcend the illusion of separation, and ascend in consciousness.

2025 is bringing us to key points on both of these 13 year waves.

We are called to balance our energies to allow for the regeneration.  Perhaps we could call it a reset, and take back the narrative to align it with a higher plan.  One of the areas where we are most blocked is in our inner child wounds.  It is here that we ‘lost’ connection with love.  A higher vibrational, all embracing, unifying love, and slipped into fear and separation.  Some of us never to return.

There is a huge amount of energy trapped in the storage of stories.  The story of our experiences, the story of our family, our ancestors.  All these storage capacitors of emotional energy held together with beliefs, judgements, fear and limited understanding.  We build our ego defenses off of them, and identities through which we engage with the world construct that is also not emerging from truth.  The truth in nature, natural laws of beauty and love.

All this energy gets compounded over time, over lifetimes and through many timelines, attempting to return, home.  To come back to an equilibrium that is the essence state of being.  To come home to love.

Love is the portal through which we ascend.  Our hearts must be as light as a feather to move through the portal to a higher dimensional experience.  Our hearts get heavy here.  2025 is calling us home to our spiritual truth, to align with a lighter - ‘enlightened’ - perspective of reality and who we are in it.  From the spiritual lens, nothing ever happened, we are Essence, pure and unadulterated.

Can we free ourselves from the mind defining what is, what was, what will be?To expand in felt sense awareness, allowing the energies to move, and free up from the baggage aka stored stories, and be Essence again?

Is the sun’s death a hologram reflector suggesting that we put the mind on hold for 3 days and just stop?  Be still, and allow the rebirth to get us back on track with the ascension path?  Then the Essence Self can be reborn, the Christed one, pure of water and of light.

The Guide of Blue Lunar Monkey is Blue Night, representing the void, the abyss, the no-thing from which everything comes, the dreamfield, the subconscious, the mystery, the astral, the undefined pure potentiality of energy that has not been collapsed into form by consciousness.  Aka the quantum field.

Blue Night is the unknown, the darkness into which we must venture to rediscover our true light.  Blue Monkey’s inner child must remember the Dream of itself, the dream it rode in on, and the pure potentiality that it originates from.   A reminder not to fall into separation by definition, defining ourselves as separate from God/Love/Source.  Every time we defined ourselves we separated in judgement towards each definition.  This collapsed into creations of realities that reflected those definitions back to us.

“We must make the unconscious conscious or else we will call it fate.”

Carl Jung

2025 will call us into alignment with love, bringing us to a tipping point, a breakthrough that attunes us to a higher consciousness.  Transcending victim consciousness by opening to love consciousness.  It is only in the identification with separation that we can exist in victim consciousness, in the duality breakdown of polarity.  When we embrace our polarity as an aliveness, this and that and not this or that at the same time, we are returning to a Energy in Perpetual Movement perspective, we alchemize the yin and the yang and enter into the Trinity Love Consciousness that reveals a new world order, a new realm of experience.

“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing,there is a field. I’ll meet you there.When the soul lies down in that grass,the world is too full to talk about.Ideas, language, even the phrase “each other”doesn’t make any sense.The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you.Don’t go back to sleep.You must ask for what you really want.Don’t go back to sleep.People are going back and forth across the doorsillwhere the two worlds touch.The door is round and open.Don’t go back to sleep.”


We must remember our magical child.  Our Essence.  Healing the wounds of separation to return to the vibrational state of love.  A unified field that holds polarity creatively, as artists of life without falling into the realm of duality.

Duality consciousness gave rise to the ‘materialization’ of reality, but we are in the transition to the Age of Aquarius now, a destined date with fate as Pluto moved into Aquarius this November.  We are in the quantum age, remembering that all is light, sound and vibration.  Nothing is real, in terms of how we understood it, the tangible is made of the intangible.  Everywhere we look we see the paradox staring us down, until we break out of the dream of forgetfulness and suddenly see, truth love and beauty at the core of creation.

The supporting kin to Blue Monkey is Yellow Star - representing art beauty, the implicate order, the sacred geometry of life, the beautiful plan.  When we can feel through the lost parts that felt ‘wrong, not right, less than not worthy’ and come back to the beautiful truth of our Divine Perfection, we will see the beauty in ourselves and each other.  And reality must reflect that back as we are the source of the projection.

The hidden power of 2025 is Blue Solar Night, the intention and direction of loves dream.  We are remembering that.  To do so we must return to the void, empty out, bring the energies into equilibrium, a vibrational state of readiness for Creation to flow.

Blue Night is the hidden power of The Age of Truth White Mirror wave, and the manifestation point of The Age of Wisdom White Wizard wave.  We must embrace this field of pure potentiality, the unknown and undefined dreamfield as the source of abundance, the Space of Grace, unfolding.  To get there we need to unburden ourselves of what has been.  To stop the mind telling stories, to drop into feeling, and intuitive presence with the energies that are presenting in the now moment, the point of aliveness that we can alchemize and cocreate with.

This is the cosmic window that is opening for us now.

There is so much more to decode about 2025, this is the first installment, and I am being guided that I shall write & channel the wisdoms arising each day of this wave.  Tomorrow is my birthday, so the wave of the year is my transit wave also.  The personal and collective opportunities align.

If you would like to know what 2025 is offering you, so you can align to your highest timeline and assist the collective alignment, reach out for a Deep Dive Soul Reading.

In lak’ech a la kin


Kin 13


Sage to the Age of the New Shamans

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